Punk Matinee at De Groote Weiver

Sunday October 2 we'll be doing a show at De Groote Weiver in Wormerveer at Punk Matinee: editie twee. We'll be playing around 4PM so you can bring your kids along and you don't have to worry about that last train home. We're sharing the bill with G.O.H. from Amsterdam.

Punk Matinee

We bought new strings for this gig so we should sound pristine. And vocals will be in tune because Ben bought an auto-tuner for Jeremy.

Wednesday, 28 September 2022, 13:27 Jeremy

Radio show and a cancelled show

Last Saturday Bert and Nick featured at BroodjeHans on Heemskerk FM where they chatted about the death of punk, grindcore side projects and the upcoming gig at Café Lokaal. You can listen to it here: Heemskerk FM - BroodjeHans - Tweede uur

Bert and Nick kick in at around 23 mins. After the show they were asked if they were interested in doing a radio show about alternative music, we're now contemplating on that possibility because radio is really a fun thing to do. To be continued!

And yes, the show at Toos has been canceled. Long story short, we had the bands booked, Rick from North Empire made a great poster and we just started promoting the gig when the venue confronted us with additional costs, we suddenly had to pay for a sound engineer. We figured out we had to sell about 50 tickets up front to pay the engineer and realized that this was not feasible so we postponed the show. Then North Empire gave the booker of Lokaal a call and he offered us to do the show there. We gladly accepted, also because the entrance will be free now and Lokaal is simply a great venue to play! Unfortunately Floodlines couldn't make it that date so we've asked Question Mark (from Zeewolde Nick, Zeewolde) to join instead.

So see you at Lokaal this Friday. Support your local scene!

Monday, 8 August 2022, 19:21 Jeremy

Radio show reprise

Because we basically only had one hour last week at Live & Puur we were invited to drop by for the next show which we gratefully accepted. So Nick and yours truly got on the air again as Classic Two! (and definitely not Classic 2!), a side project with Nick holding the microphones and me doing some acoustic versions of our songs.

Classic Two! - The Woods (Live & Puur)
Classic Two! - Brighter Day (Live & Puur)

We had a great time again, thanks Live & Puur for having us again!

Whole show can be listened back here: https://www.mixcloud.com/poprockfm/live-en-puur-30-06-2022-classic-two-begin-is-erg-zacht-pas-op/

Friday, 1 July 2022, 11:15 Jeremy

Hot radio show

The radio show was a success albeit the excruciatingly hot stage. Not only because of our presence but also because of a hot sun scorching on the flat roof building housing the radio station. Despite the temperature this was a great first show and we had a good laugh with the radio hosts. And it earned us a new booking, October 2nd at De Groote Weiver in Wormerveer, and the approval of the organisation team of Haltpop. We're aiming for the main stage of the 2023 edition of Haltpop.

You can listen to the show here: https://www.mixcloud.com/poprockfm/live-en-puur-23-06-2022-met-classic-you-en-de-haltpop-organisatie/

Thanks everyone at PopRockFM and Jottem for having us, it was worth way more than all the sweat we spilled!

Saturday, 25 June 2022, 14:37 Jeremy

Getting ready for the radio show

We've cooked up a setlist for the upcoming live radio show with 7 new tracks and 3 tracks from the Stage Banter era. The idea is to do 2 or 3 small sets with 3 or 4 songs. Really looking forward to it!

We kick off with Brighter Day, a new song about the twilight zone between fact and fiction. Next up is The Woods, another new song, which is written from the perspective of people looking for a better life but who end up being pushed around. Lay Down The Guns is a golden oldie that unfortunately remains painfully relevant. Then another new track, Merchandise, well, if you heard that one before, true, it's heavily inspired by that other track from a very renown US band. Insomnia is also pretty new and shiny, it's about eeerrmmmm insomnia. Empty World is another Stage Banter original, a pretty late one though so it kind of flowed into our set. The Edge is new too. It's a song about the guitarist of The Cure, or no, Killing Joke, no that other amazing band from the 80's. The Sound? Meh, don't know anymore. But jokes aside, it's a song about living on the edge, but not in an adventurous way. The melody is heavily inspired by an awesome band of the 90's, if you know the band and track title you will get a stroopwaffel! Classic You is a brand new song about us, Classic You. Leave It Up To Us was just too big of a hit song to leave behind in oblivion. Forget about the question mark, for now we're keeping it in our set. Dumb Sway is the latest addition to our repertoire, topically it's in line with Brighter Days but then from a different perspective.

Besides playing some live sets we're also being interviewed and we sent in a shitload of requests so you can expect a lot of fun blended with great live music and personal favorites.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022, 13:04 Jeremy